Work Orders

What is a work order?

A work order is usually a task or a job for a customer that can be scheduled or assigned to someone. Such an order may be from a customer request or created internally within the organization.

Work Orders

We have two work order options:

  1. Kit Assembly
  2. Custom Work Order

The Kit Assembly Work Order guides users through assembling SKUs. Let us look at an example:

  • Your store sells a box of different flavored dog treats.
  • You could make this SKU a kit, but your pickers must pick each flavored treat and the customized box separately. Then your packers will need to assemble the box and pack each item.
  • Instead, you can use a work order to pre-build this box with the flavors already packed. This is now only 1 item to pick and pack.

The Custom Work Order is an empty field that allows the user to upload attachments or write instructions for a task.

Creating an Assembly SKU

To mark an SKU as an assembly, go to the product details page and select the edit icon. Select the setting "This is an Assembly SKU used in Work Orders" and click "Update.”

Once an SKU is marked as an assembly SKU, you can add assembly SKU components:

Important things to note:

  1. You may only submit 1 Assembly SKU per work order
  2. The component SKU(s) will not show as allocated when a Work Order is submitted
  3. We can only select 1 lot per component SKU. We are not able to select multiple lots of the same component SKU at this time.
  4. You must take a look before submitting a work order at the lots of the components

An Assembly SKU cannot be a KIT. Why? Kits cannot have locations or an on-hand; an assembly SKU can have locations and an on-hand quantity.

  • An assembly SKU must have at least 1 component

    You can change the components of an assembly SKU, but it will not update on an existing work order. Why? This was intentional to support use cases like the following:

    • You create an assembly SKU with the components: 1 hat, 1 shirt, and 1 blue sticker. You do not have enough blue stickers and decide it is ok to use a different sticker but have the same assembly SKU.
    • You can edit the sticker component SKU and make another work order with the new sticker. The first work order will use your blue stickers, and the new one will have the new sticker SKU.

How to create a Work Order?

Step 1

  • Choose 3PL, Warehouse and the Requested due date

Step 2

  • Name your work order and choose the work order type (Assembly or Custom), as well as toggle the Create a Special project for this order button to on (you will know when the button is toggled on as it will turn blue)
Step 3
  • If you select an assembly work order, you will be prompted to choose an assembly SKU. If you like a custom work order, you will skip this step.

Step 4

  • Assembly work order only: After selecting the assembly kit, please just input how many you want to create.
Step 5
  • For custom work orders, you will have the option to type in instructions manually (optional):
Step 6 (optional)
  • For assembly work orders, you will have the opportunity to type in packing and assembly details (optional)
Step 7 (optional)
  • For both assembly and custom work orders, you will be able to upload attachments (optional):
Step 8 (optional)

We support several file types: PDF, png, jpeg, jpg, doc, xlsx, xls, ppt, pptx, and mp4 (videos)

Walkthrough of a Work Order:

Once a work order is created, you will be able to follow along as the work order progress's

  • Awaiting Approval - Project has not been started yet
  • In Progress - The work order was approved but has not been picked yet
  • Ready to Pick -The user selects the pick locations for the components as well as the staging location
  • Assembly in Progress -The components are deducted from the pick locations and moved to the staging location. The kits are built and can be transferred to the receiving location during this step
  • Done - All of the assembly sku were made and received - the work order was 100% completed. 
  • Closed - The work order was not fully received, but you are closing it as "partially done". If a 3pl, the client can be billed for the work done (even if not 100% complete)
  • Canceled- The work order is canceled. No editing can be done. 

The custom work orders do not have the ready-to-pick or the assembly-in-progress steps.

Extra Features: 

Work orders can have a requested due date and a scheduled date. The scheduled date is when the work order is scheduled to be completed.

You can add attachments along with notes. We support the following formats: PDF, png, doc, jpeg, jpg, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx,  and mp4

Important notes:

  • Our timeline and quote will be subject to the project size, scope, and warehouse availability. 

  • During peak season (Nov-Dec) we will be temporarily suspending VAS projects from November 24th to December 3rd, 2023. VAS requests received after November 15th will not be completed until the week of December 4, 2023.

  • Our Special Project Coordinators will respond to your request with a timeline for scoping the project over 24-48 business hours.

  • Just to remind you, our teams are available M-F from 8:30 AM ET - 5 PM ET.

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