How to Create or Edit Kits in Bulk

ShipHero allows you to create or edit Kits in bulk once a Parent Kit SKU and the applicable Component Kit SKU(s) have been created.

If you are a 3PL, the following should be performed in the client account.

Creating Kits in Bulk

  1. Go to > My Account > CSV Management.
  2. From the Select Item to Update dropdown, select Product Kits.
  3. Select Download Products Kit Template, and fill in the SKUComponent SKUQuantity, and Build Kit columns.
  4. Save the file as a CSV.
  5. Upload the file, by clicking +, select the CSV file from your computer, then click Upload.

Note: For the Build Kit column, 0 = no and 1 = yes

Editing Kits in Bulk

  1. Go to > My Account > CSV Management.
  2. From the Select Item to Update dropdown, select Product Kits.
  3. Select Download Products Kit Template or reuse the template from your initial Kit creation. 
  4. Edit the appropriate columns.
  5. Save the file as a CSV.
  6. Upload the file, by clicking + > select the CSV file from your computer > click Upload.

Note:Components cannot be removed from an existing Kit in bulk. This will need to be done manually or through our Professional Services team.

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