Connecting a Google Merchant Account to ShipHero

This guide outlines how to connect your Google Merchant account to ShipHero. Connecting your account will allow you to synchronize orders placed on Google and fulfill those orders in ShipHero.

Google Merchant provides a global platform for retail and e-commerce businesses to reach Google Shopping and Google Service custom.

What can you do with Google Merchant and ShipHero?

  • Orders placed on Google are downloaded into ShipHero once the order is placed.
  • Orders can be fulfilled within ShipHero.
  • Order status and tracking information updates are pushed to Google when an order is updated in ShipHero.
  • Download inventory through ShipHero.
  • Update inventory through ShipHero.

ShipHero does not currently provide inventory syncing options to connected Google Merchant stores; this is a feature that will be added in a future update.

How to connect your Google Merchant account

  1. In ShipHero, using the top navigation options, select My Account > Stores.
  2. Click Add a New Store and select Google Store.
  3. You will be prompted for the Shop Name and Merchant ID. You can get these by logging into your Google Merchant account. Once logged in, the necessary information is available on the top left of the screen.
  4. Once you have entered the Shop Name and Merchant ID in ShipHero, select Connect.
  5. To test if the connection is working, create a manual order in your Google Merchant account. This order should appear on ShipHero within a few minutes.

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