Operator Holds

Operator Holds allow users to prevent an order from being shipped temporarily. Enabling this setting will exclude the order from the picking queue until the hold has been removed. Users may find this setting beneficial for pre-sales/orders or delayed shipment dates. 

Note: For more information on automation rules, see How to Use Automation Rules.

How to Set an Operator Hold with an Automation Rule

  1. Go to Orders > Automation Rules.
  2. Click Create New Rule.
  3. Give your rule a name and select a Trigger.
  4. Select Set Operator Hold from the Action dropdown. 
  5. Click Create.

What if my store's settings do not support operator holds?

Shopify, Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Etsy, and Google do not support operator holds through their store settings. However, users can add or remove holds in ShipHero through the dashboard or create an automation rule.

Bigcommerce, Woocommerce, Magento v2, and Mystoreno Stores

Bigcommerce, Woocommerce, Magento v2, and Mystoreno allow users to set up operator holds that correlate with the order's status through Map Statuses. This option triggers the hold when an order is imported into ShipHero with a specific status.

To map operator holds:

  1. Go to My Account > Stores > Map Statuses.
  2. Select Operator Hold from the appropriate dropdown from the Order Hold column.
  3. Click Save.

Note: Map status settings will affect orders created after the setting is saved.

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