User Guide to ShipHero Web Dashboard

The ShipHero Web Dashboard home page is a place for you to review what is ahead of you for the day. It provides time-sensitive information in one place with direct links to orders and SKUs.

  • Orders Need to Ship Today: Due to be shipped by the end of the day.
  • Orders Are Late: Required ship date is past due.
  • Total Orders Need to Be Shipped: Quantity of orders that are not fulfilled and ready to ship.
  • Statistics: Snapshot of today vs yesterday to gauge progress.
  • Total Orders on Hold: Orders with a "default" status that are on hold will appear here. You can directly click into the orders on hold.
  • Mergeable Orders: Orders with the same address will appear here so you can merge them into one shipment.
  • Recent Inventory Changes: Whether it’s a deduction because orders shipped or additions by manual adjustment, adjustments made to inventory are accessible here.
  • Need to Order: Products ready for repurchasing, depending on reorder levels.
  • Overdue Purchase Orders: The expected received date has passed.
  • Upcoming Purchase Orders: Pending purchase orders with expected arrival soon.
  • Counted This Week: Products to be counted according to cycle counting settings.
  • Replenishment Report: Displays data on any inventory allocated to orders and not enough available in pickable bins or if the pickable bin inventory is less than the replenishment level. (Applies only to Dynamic Slotting accounts.)

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